Assigned to Me – Accomplished for You

Once upon a time, we all worked for either Government Departments or large Companies – whatever help we needed was available in-house.

There was a Finance Department, Marketing Department, and even an IT Department … all sorts of people whose job it was to support the work we did every day.

Today, that’s changed. When you work on your own — as a solo or owner of a small business — it’s up to you to keep the business running smoothly, in addition to doing the work itself.

It can be frustrating and time-consuming. Even when it does go well, it keeps you from the work you’d rather be doing.

That’s where I come in. I handle all the details and all the intricacies — the things you hate doing — so that you can get back to work.

Managing The Day-to-Day

Administration tasks – everything from document entry, creation and formatting to managing the day to day. Read more.

Event Planning

Assistance with your events, from research, planning, bookings, through to run sheets and confirmations. Read more.

Client Focus

Scheduling Newsletters, Client on-boarding, communication, appointments and responses. Read more.

Fiona approached all of these requests with a beaming smile, the response “yea, I can do that”, and always would deliver a fantastic product.

Andrew Landroth
Deputy Principal